Are You Ready to Unleash Your Inner Badass and Say YES to Your Big Crazy Dreams?

Are you busy running around saying YES to everyone and everything but yourself?

Are you stressed out, overwhelmed and exhausted with everything that is pulling your energy and attention?

Do you have the feeling that you are meant for so much more and yet you feel distracted by the day to day?

Imagine spending 5 days in a Luxury Retreat House on the beautiful Oregon Coast to inspire you to rediscover and reignite the NEXT LEVEL VERSION OF YOU!

This EPIC experience will be an intimate retreat with 12 other incredible badass women leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers.

This retreat is going to be the perfect blend of


THIS is where your journey begins. This is YOUR time. To make waves. To make your move. To make something better. To make something beautiful. TO NOT HOLD BACK.

To give yourself, your vision and your life EVERYTHING YOU HAVE.

This is what it’s all about!

MAY 17th-21st 2023

I could have never imagined a group of women could be so open, welcoming, non-judgemental, and full of love and support for others they did not know. You created this environment, and I can’t say “THANK YOU” enough!
— Tammi Loucks (2022 Camper)

This retreat will give you the opportunity to step back from the craziness and chaos of everyday life so you can relax and rediscover what you are truly capable of and come out on the other side with more confidence, courage and clarity than ever before!

This intimate and immersive experience is uniquely designed for YOU to check in on your vision for 2023 and to make a plan for the second half of the year.

You will walk away ready to make it all happen from a grounded, whole and connected place.

No more proving, striving or trying.

This experience is about being, sharing, leading and living your biggest YES out loud.

Camp Yes was wonderful. I made new friends, reconnected with treasured friends from last year, and I made a commitment to myself today. I’m going to start devoting energy and time to starting a Parent Coaching business!

There is much to do in terms of planning and details and organization but I look forward to this journey. I’m so, so grateful to Marli Williams and her amazing community of women who inspire me to say yes to my big crazy dreams!
— Leah Rosenthal-Kambic (2021 & 2022 Camper)

Who is this Retreat for?

  • You consider yourself to be a visionary, changemaker, leader, coach, or entrepreneur who makes a positive impact on the lives of others.

  • You have big goals and dreams and are needing some time and space to get away from the hustle and into your heart.

  • You are the one who shows up to serve and hold space for everyone else and you are craving a space where you can be truly seen for how incredible you are.

  • You are wanting to surround yourself with like-minded and like-hearted women who are playing a bigger game.

  • You crave finding the balance between saying YES to your vision and YES to yourself.

Camp YES! at first was an unknown space, and unfamiliar territory. However, through the power of community, the power of being who you are, and getting to choose your own adventure without regret or shame, I came through with confidence, exuberance, and complete introspective awareness that I love my inner, open-hearted, and playful self.

In fact, I found more time to play, love and laugh because of who I know down deep I am….whether I’m indoor or outdoor, I found myself at Camp Yes, and I bring her along to all the spaces I go. She is planning on going every year because she becomes more herself every year!

Thanks to Marli and all of her wonderful Camp Leaders, and Crew and Campers! This place is my transformation space to unveil more Lisa every year!
— Lisa Brumm (3 Time Camper)

This is your chance to: 

  • Disconnect from the outside world that has you on the stress train, and connect with what makes you, you.

  • Balance the busyness with space to breathe, ponder, and gain perspective on your ‘what’s, your ‘how’s, and your ‘why’s in life.

  • Meet other badass women who share your passions, and celebrate each other’s awesomeness to discover how incredible and powerful you truly are.

  • Step away from your to-dos, your business, your kids, your life’s demands, and give yourself the chance to do whatever you want, whenever you want.

  • Engage in productive play to unleash the creative, silly, joyful you that’s been pushed aside with the many demands of your ‘real’ life.

  • Learn how to just say ‘yes’ to yourself… in a way that impacts the rest of your life.

When I think of the exact moment in my life when I was the happiest and most content, it’s this… age 13 at summer camp.

I want you to know, Marli, that I felt exactly the same when I left Camp YES yesterday.

I feel grounded and floaty and confident and sparkly. I feel invincible, full of joy, loving everyone and loving ME! My heart is full and I’m so grateful for you and for Camp YES!
— Laurie Lewis (2021 & 2022 Camper)

As a result of this retreat you will: 

  • Experience a newfound sense of freedom, clarity & possibility so you can live your life on PURPOSE

  • Get crystal clear on what you are calling in & magnetizing into your life so you can live a life that is in true alignment with your soul

  • Unleash your inner confidence and cultivate a deeper sense of courage to say YES to your BIGGEST dreams and goals so you can accomplish more with more ease, flow and joy

  • Feel rejuvenated, refreshed and ready to rock out the second half of the year so you can keep the momentum going or create momentum if you are feeling stuck

  • Check in on your vision for 2023 and clarify what you want for the second half of the year

  • Create a game plan to make it happen that inspires you to take action so you can make progress on that which matters most to you

  • Connect the highest and best version of yourself so you can create the life you really want from a place of truly feeling worthy of everything you deeply desire

  • Cultivate an amazing community of other badass women leaders who are on a mission so you have the support you need to make your dreams a reality

What’s Included in this Immersive Retreat Experience:

  • Accommodation for 5 days/4 nights in a Luxury Retreat House on the Oregon Coast

  • Delicious and nourishing meals prepared by a private chef (breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks)

    • Starting with Dinner on Wednesday May 17th until Breakfast on Sunday May 21st

  • All retreat activities including playshops, guided hikes to secret spots and evening campfires

  • Opportunities for hot seat coaching and to lead camper led Playshops 

  • Creating an incredible community of other amazing women to support you in your big dreams

  • The BEST experience you’ll have all year!

  • Pre-Retreat Virtual Session with the group to set goals and intentions together

  • Post-Retreat Virtual Session with the group to help with integration and application 

Join us at this EPIC Retreat House!

Luxury Accommodations & Incredible Views

Choose Your Own Adventure!

Bunk Room shared with 7 other amazing women! Yay Slumber party!


Once you complete the payment, you will be sent more information as the trip gets closer including a pre-retreat meeting with the entire crew.

Payment Plans available upon request

The most fun you'll have all year!

Camp Yes will, without a doubt, not only change YOUR life but give you amazingly supportive, life-long friendships that help you to share your gifts and positively change others’ lives too!
— Cait, 2017 Camper
Come to Camp Yes because it’s a bunch of really kickass younger women who started this thing, and with a bunch of kickass older women there we can all learn and chill and have fun together! There’s so much we can learn from just being in the company of one another, and in such a beautiful setting in nature... we ALL need more of THAT!
— Joanna, 2017 Camper

Just remember… it’s not called Camp Maybe!

It’s time to Say YES to YOU!

We can't wait to see what is possible when you Unleash Your Biggest YES!